Monday, August 9, 2010

60th wedding anniversary

This cake was for a couple celebrating there 60th wedding anniversary. the cake was modeled after there 1st wedding cake. The cake was vanilla cake with fresh strawberries and cream cheese frosting and the second layer was chocolate cake with chocolate ameretto mousse  ganache filling all covered and decorated with cream cheese frosting. the client love then cake here is the email she sent me the day after: "The cake was BEAUTIFUL and DELISCIOUS.  Everybody loved it.  Thank you so much, it was perfect. " Sue

There is a little story behind the making of this cake...
this was the weekend that i had 3 cakes to due. one friday, one sat, and one sun. Well After i was finished and dropped the first two cakes off i decided to finish the 3rd cake. Its easier for me to have hot spatula to smooth the frosting so like i have done hundred of times before i put a huge cup of water in the microwave and set it on 4 mins so it would be nice and hot. Well 4 mins went by and i pulled the cup out and in went my spatula. Then There went 2 cups of boiling water on my left hand... I dropped the cup and put my hand under cold running water. Well the burn was there.. 1st degree and 2nd degree and honestly the worst pain i have EVER been in. I quickly put the unfinished cake into my fridge call my BFF Kat Who is a wonderful cake decorator and life saver, Explaining my situation she told me she would be over at 8am to finish the cake! AHH what a life saver. I decided to lay on the couch with my hand in a bucket of ice water for the next 36 hours. I called a Dr. and she told me to Ice, elevated and to do hand stretches. Today i'm not in much pain but i'm still very swollen and its a little discolored. healing more and more every day. I guess that was gods way of telling me 3 cakes in the weekend is a little much to do.

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